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The Lego Movie: A Kids' Movie for Everyone

5/5 Panther Paws

Today we live in the age of bad animated kids’ movies, but one stands out from all of the talking cars and food falling from the sky (yes, that actually happened). The one I am talking about is The Lego Movie.

When I was younger, I spent hours each day putting little colorful plastic bricks together to make deformed houses and flightless space ships. The Lego Movie really clicked with me (no pun intended) for this reason.

The story revolves around a normal minifigure named Emmet who lives among a bunch of other people like him, in a big lego city surrounded by giant walls. The opening scene suggests that the people living there think that “everything is awesome!” As the story progresses, though, it becomes evident that something worse is going on. I’m not going to spoil it any more.

The animation is all made on a computer, but it is supposed to look like stop motion, with real legos. It was really cool to watch it  because of the realistic feel to the bricks.

The humor is actually really funny, too. Most of the comedy comes from jokes and references to certain Lego themes. The film has the spaceman from the 80’s, who was probably my favorite because he is just so famous.

A great vocal cast including Chris Pratt, Will Ferrell, Morgan freeman, Elizabeth Banks, Liam Neeson, and countless other amazing actors bring the characters to life.. Even if you took out those components, the movie would still be a great time, because it is so lively, exciting, and just overall really awesome. Everyone should see this movie; it is totally worth it, even if you aren’t the kids’ movie type, like me.


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