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Showing posts from December, 2017

December Haiku

December Poetry By Juliette  Cold sting of winter air Bites with frozen jaws at the Warmth of our small toes Made it out of clay And when it’s dry and ready Dreidel I shall play We wake up to that Lovely smell of Christmas pine And the early fog Snow fades beneath feet Snowflakes glide to eyelashes Cocoa burns young tongues Crisp rips of paper Bows torn off, smiles then brighten Makes a happy mess My dry, old hands soothe My very chapped lips that sting Looking for chapstick Holidays are done Appreciative of my gifts Leaving family  Gg

December Riddles by Zidane

Answers to November Riddles 1. There are five children 2. A rainbow 3. Loneliness 4. An individual  5. A stapler December Riddles 1. What’s useless to one but priceless to two, can create and destroy but can never be touched? 2. What never stops progressing until the day you die? 3. What appears once in a minute, twice in a millennium, but never in a hundred years? 4. Let me breathe and I will thrive, give me a drink and I will die. What am I? 5. I send waves but not of water, can instate any kind of emotion, sit in your pocket or in your car. What am I?

November Riddles by Zidane

November Riddles By Zidane Answers to October Riddles 1. His own nose 2.  Stop imagining 3. There are two “me”s. 4. He is going by B.C. years 5. Nothing This Month’s Riddles 1. Mary has four daughters, and each daughter has a brother. How many children are there? 2. What’s red, blue, yellow and green, but no one can touch it, not even the queen? 3. What’s always with one but never with two, and can fill an entire room? 4. What is something that all people share, but never fits in with a group? 5. With sharp fangs I lie in wait, dolling over bloodless prey, eternally enjoying in a single bite. What am I?