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The Art Show is Here! By Elie

MVMS School’s Official Art Show is here!
May 9 - 31st
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That’s right, the official art show is opening up May 9, right here at MVMS. Until June, art from 6th-8th grade art classes will be hung up all over the walls in the main hallway. “We always want to celebrate the creative work that happens in the Art Classes, just like we celebrate the Music and Drama,” says Mr. DiPierro, 7th grade Art Teacher. “ Having an Art Show is our opportunity to show everyone the wide variety [and] beautiful work that our students create, and it is also a great way to share our thanks with Kiddo for providing these great things (and many other things as well) here at our school.”

How does this all go down? First, each kid [taking an art class] chooses one work they have done so far this year which they want to be chosen for the showing. Then, teams of parents [PTA] work together to label and add thick cardboard backgrounds to each piece. Finally they hang up the finished products all over the school for everyone to see. Through lots of thorough hard work the MVMS School Art Show looks fabulous every year.

About halfway through the Art Show, the middle school will be hosting Open House. It takes place on May 18, a Wednesday evening, when parents can visit each of their child’s classrooms and see what they have done this year.

That same day at 5pm [an hour before Open House], “Art Speak” will kick off in the MMR. During Art Speak, parents, teachers, and students alike will listen in on the stories of inspiration that are part of the young artist’s work. Through this fabulous hour, anyone can learn the meaning behind the creativity on the walls during the Art Show.

Art is a special way of expression. For more than 15 years, as Mr. DiPierro told me, the MVMS Art Show has given many kids that special chance. “There are so many different individual ways to express yourself, and we try to let everyone find a way that best expresses themselves,” he noted. “What makes this Art Show so special is that you can find what you like and someone else can find what they like … and we do not all have to be the same.” Giving us all a chance to show who we are is why art is amazing.

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