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Spring Allergies- Don't suffer any longer! by Elie

Spring Allergies
     Basic and simple Information that could help you feel a bit better this Allergy Season.
By Elie
   Spring Pollen Allergies. Sneezing. Coughing. Wheezing. Watery itchy eyes. Oh yeah, don’t forget the stuffy and runny nose. From 35 - 67 million Americans suffer these symptoms every spring, and then some. That’s as much as one-out-of-five people. Well, if you suffer from allergies, like I do, or you know someone who does, the following information may help you.
      Pollen, a fine powdery substance, consists of certain male parts of a plant (Aka, “The Fertilizers”).  You usually see it as a yellow powder that floats down from trees, or that covers your furniture if you leave the window open on a windy Spring day.  The average pollen particle is smaller than the width of one of your hairs! Oh, one more thing: Once it touches an allergic person’s throat, it triggers an allergic reaction.

Pollen Counts
To avoid pollen, KNOW YOUR POLLEN COUNT. A Pollen count indexes the amount of pollen in the air in a certain area. In Mill Valley this Spring season, pollen amounts are supposed to be moderate to severe. (High) Know your pollen count where you live.

 Avoiding Pollen
When the pollen count is high follow several quick tips to avoid allergic reactions so you don’t have to become a house hermit or walk in around in a space suit during allergy season. Still have fun outside no matter how much pollen there is!

  • Wash your hands (and face) after being outside to get rid of excess pollen.
  • Bathe and shampoo daily during allergy season.
  • Minimize contact with things that have come in contact with pollen. (I.e. outdoor-shed tools, lawn furniture, etc).
  • Wear sunglasses to shield your eyes from floating pollen particles.
  • Watch out for warm and dry mornings! The pollen count may be high that day. Be prepared.
Allergy Meds
If you can’t avoid pollen and you begin itching and sneezing, drug companies offer several different types of allergy meds to help control allergic reactions. Remember, ALWAYS check with a doctor or allergist before taking any med of any kind! (Allergist- A doctor who specializes in medications and diagnosis of allergies.) The following list contains the major treatments:
  • Nasal Steroids Aah Steroids! Ha. Ha. No.
    • Drugs you spray up your nose (nasal sprays).
    • These sprays relieve congestion, runny/itchy noses, and sneezing.
  • Antihistamines
During an allergic reaction, your body cells release histamine which triggers all the symptoms that make you miserable in order to eject the pollen out of your body. In other words, histamine causes you to create mucous which surrounds pollen particles. When you sneeze, you jettison pollen. Just aim away from friends. Antihistamines fight histamine’s wrath.
    • Antihistamines come in pills and nasal sprays.
    • Antihistamines fight similar symptoms to nasal steroids.
    • WARNING:Some antihistamines make you drowsy! Always check the box’s information
  • Decongestants
    • Decongestants treat the congestion that may result from allergies.
    • Decongestants come in pills and liquids.
    • Decongestants unclog stuffy noses.
  • Allergy Shots
Just wanted to say I take allergy shots. They really do work. If you can deal with a pinch, this is the best option in my opinion if you have major allergies. There are many success stories through allergy shots.
    • Injections of allergens into your body to build immunity.
    • The amount of allergen injected gradually increases.
    • Injected by your doctor or an allergist.

So, if you suffer from allergies don’t just surrender-fight back! Understand your allergies and pick a treatment so that you can enjoy your springtime.

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