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A Still World By Carly

A Still World By: Carly

Deep ocean obis 
Crashed jello waves stop to watch
The flowers dance in the tall grass 
On a simple day
The kids went out to play
Running barefoot on
The dusty savanna
Dancing on the farm
A girl listens to the music 
Made by the world
The geese flapping in the sky
The grass swayed
The children's feet put the beat in motion
As she listened she heard wild horses
Running through the savanna
All put together with the
Bubbles of the fish
Popping at the surface of the oceans
Waves soared through the beat
Crashing on the sand like a symbol
It was a beautiful piece of art
Being painted on a rainy day as
The water dripped down the window
In the forest the dew slipped off 
The smallest of grass
Making the pinging vibration of the world
As it Circulated in the dancing girl's blood and
She danced wildly through the world’s deepest peaks and tallest canyons. 
Singing to the beat was the most melodic tune of history. 
In the depth of the ocean the fish swam in synchronization.
The jello waves sloshed up against the cliffs.
The flowers relaxed into a most content position as the sun set over the tall grassy savanna.
The children ran to the ocean just in time to sit on the cliff and watch the world.
And the girl ran to the side of the ocean looking over the edge of her cliff watching as the sun rose and so did her hope.
The wild horses stopped in the night of perfectly strung stars and slept tightly as a family.
The boy thought about what his picture was missing now.
He didn’t find it until the sunset when he figured out that it was missing the core of the Earth’s beating heart… He then sang his picture as he sat out on his cliff with the girl on the other side of the ocean and all the children sitting far out on their cliff at that exact moment...

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