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Cokie Roberts Shines a Spotlight on our Founding Mothers

“We the people.” That was part of the first line of the Constitution. But it’s not really what the writers meant. Because at that time, “We the people,” probably meant, “We the men”. All the writers were men and many of the important people in history were men. Because women weren’t the generals or the politicians they were often ignored by the people of the time and the people of today. When Cokie Roberts wrote Founding Mothers the Women Who Raised Our Nation and then turned it into a picture book for younger people, she attempted to change that.

    When I got the chance to interview her, she said that one of the hardest parts of writing Founding Mothers was finding what the important ladies of the time actually said. Lots of them wrote journals and letters, but often times these were burned, sometimes by the women themselves. As President Truman said to his wife when he saw her burning their letters to each other, “Bess, what are you doing; think of history!” She replied with, “I am.” For political reasons, private messages that showed more than you would want the light of day to see were destroyed. 

    But even though she was not able to get as many of the actual thoughts and words of the women of the revolution as she would have liked, Cokie Roberts was still able to see that they were just as creative and resourceful as the men on the scene. During the war disease killed just as much, if not more, than actual fighting, with the biggest killer being smallpox. There was a little prevention in the smallpox inoculation, which was kind of like a vaccine in that if you survived the inoculation your chances of getting smallpox decreased dramatically. But that was a big if. To inspire the troops to get the smallpox inoculation, Martha Washington and other officer’s wives got it themselves, risking their own lives. George thought it was crazy. Martha Washington is more famous for going to Valley Forge to spend that hell of a winter with the troops and her husband. But she didn’t just go that winter. She went every winter. Every winter she went to a camp to spend winter in a place with little food, terrible weather, poor living conditions, and soldiers on the point of mutiny or about to leave. It was Martha who had a huge part in making sure the army stayed together. If she and other wives hadn’t been there, we probably would have lost the war due to a lack of an army. And Martha wasn’t the only lady. Hundreds of women donated money to and made shirts for the soldiers. At one point women raised $300,000 for soldiers, only $20,000 less than was raised for a national bank. When George Washington finally got his way in having it spent on materials for shirts instead of what the head of the fundraiser, Esther de Berdt the granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin, wanted, which was something special for the troops that was not George’s job to make sure they had, they each sewed their names into every shirt they made to let the soldiers know there was someone who cared for them. With all these women, one of them should have been the most important. To Cokie Roberts one of them wasn’t more important than any of the others. The work of all the women, wives of remembered people or not, helped just as much as the ideals of liberty for the men to keep fighting against the British. 

    Helping soldiers wasn’t the only thing that women did, says Cokie Roberts. They helped the poor, started orphanages for the children of war victims, and started becoming abolitionists. But when they weren’t allowed to speak or even go to these meetings, many women started realizing something: they had as many political or legal rights as a rock. When they married all their land and money went to their husbands. They became his property. There weren’t many job options for unmarried women and even less for married ones. If they got divorced or somehow managed to get one they could have custody of their children. They couldn’t vote to change any of these laws. After decades of protesting, in 1920  women finally got the vote in the U.S. Roberts says that the women of the Revolution, especially Abigail Adams, would have been surprised it took so long. 


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