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Body Shaming by Juliette

In celebration of national poetry month (April), here is a slam poem.
Slam Poetry is a type of competition where people read their poems without props, costumes, or music.

This is a poem about body shaming. And now, without further ado I present to you, "You won't Understand."

You Won't Understand
By Juliette            

Why do we show them that this is the way?
We teach the wrong, when we should be teaching the right
Why do we tell them to live like this?
It's gotten to a point, that's not human anymore
But the problem isn't in what we say,
It's what we see and show.
Somehow, someone, somewhere said that this is the ideal,
And this is attractive,
But it blew up and became radioactive.

Why do we starve ourselves to the point of death?
Skipping meals to get a decent photograph
Why do we spend money to look like the ones that are ruining themselves?
Earning just to be spending, doesn't make sense
Why do we want to be them?
You think that you are worthless, but you're not
Why do we pay attention to them?
There are so many other amazing things to see in the world,
but we waste our lives watching them
Why don't we embrace who we are and inspire those around us?
It seems that's just the way thing are
Why? Why?
It doesn't have to be like this

Because this is what is popular
Which is what we monitor.
We show our little children
How to get a billion,
By chopping off what really matters
And leaving us in tatters
You sit there reading “Cosmo”
While you get more hollow
You stand there staring at the mirror
I promise, your vision isn't getting clearer
You stretch, and pull, and prod
For this act, no one will applaud
You see it on your television
And you make that decision
You're locking yourself in a prison
Saying you want a future, but I can't envision

Who said that this is the ideal?
Bones that show through skin the starved look
Is not beautiful
Somehow, someone, somewhere said it is.
They said to follow they said to like
And so they posted, posted, and posted some more showing the world
“Look at me, I'm hungry, but it's fine
Because I have more likes than you”
All over media and in magazines
They advertise the flawless look
They try to show you how to be.

I just don’t fit in the dumb standards that we make for ourselves
Why do we stress about the little things?
Because of someone we’re worshiping?
But you are perfect
There is no one that has your qualities
You are exceptional, outstanding, breathtaking, excellent, marvelous, wonderful, extraordinary, stunning, magnificent, and passionate

We are all learning to be ourselves
Every single person alive
No one is you
Because you are yourself
And as Dr. Seuss says, “Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”
Love yourself

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